
In July 2024 I was getting range of motion and stretching my legs when the aide overextended one of them and we heard a pop. After some pain and discomfort it was eventually communicated to the nurse and I was sent to the hospital for an xray. Please see attached. They determined that my hip was in fact broken but there wasn’t anything they could do. I had a follow-up appointment with a Dr. last week and I got another xray. They said it actually looks worse now, regarding the separation, but there’s not much they can do given my situation. They gave me the OK to ride my bike again, which totally and pleasantly surprised me! I miss riding so much. The last time I did it was in July. It’s been a while! It’s really the only range of motion I get on my legs. I’m now waiting for the doctors here at my home to give the final OK before I start. I can’t wait for the day to come that I will be able to ride once again! It’s coming soon! I hope.

NCAA Tournament Challenge Fundraiser!

Hey everyone! Sorry for the late notice! If you are interested in doing a NCAAM bracket challenge to help fund my upcoming surgery, click the link below!

You don’t have to know anything about college basketball…this year is incredibly wide open and any team could win!

We are doing $10 per entry (up to 10).

Half will go to the winners pot and half will go towards my surgery.

Top 3 spots will be paid, possibly more depending on the number of entries!!!

Once you have signed up, you will receive an email tomorrow with payment details.

If you have any questions, reach out to Bill @ 717-982-3733

Please feel free to share with anyone you feel may be interested.

Thanks everyone!!!

Blood Pressure Roller-coaster

Its February 22, around 2:40 PM. We only needed to take my blood pressure one time today and it was all but perfect! (119/78!!!). I was not sure what to expect of today the way my BP has been going, but it has been pretty chill, so maybe things will start to go back to normal, or as a normal as can possibly be. Here’s a glimpse into what my blood pressure dilemma looks like from a day to day basis, if you’re interested …
FYI, in most cases where my blood pressure was above 150 or below 90 systolic, I took medication to correct (Increase or decrease my blood pressure). Sometimes it works, other times not.

February 15 February 16 February 17 February 18 February 20 February 21
8:30 AM 117/77 8:40 AM 136/93 8:45 AM 135/91 8:35 AM 132/82 8:40 AM 130/89 7:40 AM 158/98
1:35 PM 68/40 1:35 PM 169/103 10:20 AM 170/101 11:45 AM 150/105 2:45 PM 79/51 9:10 PM 151/84
2:35 PM 95/64 2:00 PM 96/62 11:30 AM 162/101 4:00 PM 135/95 3:20 PM 113/75 1:35 PM 80/61
4:20 PM 160/98 3:15 PM 142/94 12:50 PM 110/73 7:50 PM 79/59 5:00 PM 148/93 2:00 PM 103/67
5:00 PM 149/97 5:00 PM 181/113 2:20 PM 72/48 8:00 PM 92/65 5:45 PM 169/104 4:45 PM 146/93
6:00 PM 173/105 5:20 PM 165/104 2:45 PM 66/42 7:25 PM 146/93 5:15 PM 151/115
6:25 PM 159/101 6:10 PM 83/65 3:30 PM 79/53 8:10 PM 143/97 6:15 PM 147/94
7:20 PM 142/89 7:10 PM 76/54 4:40 PM 114/80 6:30 PM 137/87
8:00 PM 91/64 6:00 PM 138/85 7:50 PM 170/106
6:50 PM 109/71 8:30 PM 206/127
9:15pm 123/80

** Hopefully those numbers make sense! I did the best I could! **

Attention Hess truck collectors!

Anybody out there collect or know someone that collects Hess trucks? I have 33 of them for sale. Proceeds will go towards my upcoming surgery in April.

30 of them never opened. We have 11 of the original bags they came in. Here are the years…

1988 through 1991

1993 through 2000

2002 through 2019

The 2018 is a celebration of 85 years.

The 2014 is for the 50th anniversary.

All inquiries can be emailed to me at

Thank you!

Fundraiser for Teeth

Unfortunately yesterday I found out again just how weak and brittle my teeth truly are. I did not need any further proof but since it happened and I’m doing a fundraiser to have them fixed, I figured it was pretty relevant, so here’s a picture. This is what lots of medication and a lifetime of grinding looks like. This is what your teeth start to do. Also the reason I need 22 caps.

Your donations are greatly appreciated! Surgery is April 19 and will be upwards of $20,000, not paid by insurance. Thanks! 🙂