Category Archives : Uncategorized

Take a Guess

I’ve experienced an entire day of elevated blood pressures, as I normally do, but it’s only 5:30 PM. My first BP this morning was 145/92. 2 hours later I was feeling weird so I asked someone to check again. 151/74. Half hour later it went up even more to 155/95. I then took my blood pressure medicine, which I’m supposed to take if my systolic number is above 150. It worked and my BP was 106/77! When my BP is around this range is when I feel my best. Only one problem. It’s now 5:50 PM and my blood pressure is back up to 157/96. Should be an interesting evening. I will keep you posted!

More BP Issues

Happy Memorial Day! I’m having some major blood pressure issues today. From as soon as I got up this morning until a little while ago this evening. My first blood pressure reading was 161/95. I took it again an hour later and it was 167/105. I took my blood pressure medicine. It came down for a couple of hours before elevating yet again. It jumped back up to 170/107. I took another BP pill. It came down to 95/57. That’s where we are right now and it’s 7:45 PM. Who knows what the rest of the evening will bring. I hope you all had a nice Memorial Day..

More BP Issues

My blood pressure started out pretty good this morning – 137/84. That was about as good as it got before going downhill fast. At 11:20 AM it was still pretty good (140/89) but definitely higher. By the time it got to be mid afternoon I was definitely feeling off so we checked again. At this point it jumped to 166/106. I took my BP medication and it definitely worked. It dropped significantly – 85/55 at 3:50 PM. After a little bit it had evened out – 119/80. I have not checked since then but I have felt fine. It’s great to have medication that helps but I wish I didn’t have the problems I do in the first place. It’s crazy what medication can do. Very helpful. Just my drama for the day. Hope you all are well!

I experienced a few highs and lows today. I was able to stand for 2 1/2 hours! The lowest my blood pressure got was 91/61. The only reason I came down was because my aide had to leave. I probably could have kept going for a while. Now the bad part. At some point my cathetor got pinched and I didn’t realize right away. My body shook a lot and I couldn’t figure out why. I started to feel weird so we took my blood pressure. 196/136! That’s one of the highest I’ve ever recorded! That borderline stroke! We located the problem, fortunately, this time around – my cathetor got pinched and I was retaining a lot of urine Spinal cord injury life. You never quite know what you’re going to get from day to day!

Longtime Coming

I’ve been really bad with my efforts in trying to stand lately. It’s more difficult than riding the bike because I should really have someone with me while I stand but that’s not always feasible. My blood pressure usually doesn’t cooperate for too long unless I stand on a regular basis which again, is not always possible because of staffing. The last time I stood was August 31 and I was able to do so for an hour and 22 minutes. After all that time I finally got a day where my aide was able to be with me (check my blood pressure, among other things) so I figured I would try it out. I probably went up too fast because I was only able to stand for 38 minutes before my blood pressure plummeted to 75/47. Kind of dangerously low. I did not want to pass out so I lowered myself. I was only able to make it 38 minutes. Just means I have to try more often!

Hope you all are well. Thank you for following! 🙂