Daily Archives: September 24, 2009

Pizza & A Tilt Table

Aaron passed the “pizza test” today! He just had to eat a few bites of pizza successfully, which he did easily in order to get “free reign” over his diet. It was about a week ago that he was allowed to begin eating food. He started with it pureed (lovely experience; he had to read the menu to figure out what exactly he was eating :)). He graduated to ground food a few days later. A little better. Today… no restrictions!
As you can see Aaron finally got the long awaited shave (yesterday). Did all of you have as much fun voting and watching the results as we did? I love the pic Jaime; thanks for sending it. 🙂
He no longer has an IV as of yesterday which allows more freedom of movement in physical therapy.
Aaron also spent time on the tilt table today with good results. What happens is he gets strapped to a table and they slowly move him into a more vertical position. The purpose is to increase his tolerance to being in the standing position which helps to normalize his blood pressure and circulation. It’s good for his bones and may stimulate nerves. It’s also good to help expand and strengthen his lungs which brings me to “the vent”. Aaron spent a total of 1 hour off the vent today. That’s great Aaron. Keep moving forward. 🙂
Whew! Well, I hope I covered it all!

Aaron, Jaime, & Tory

Aaron, Jaime, & Tory