Longtime Coming

I’ve been really bad with my efforts in trying to stand lately. It’s more difficult than riding the bike because I should really have someone with me while I stand but that’s not always feasible. My blood pressure usually doesn’t cooperate for too long unless I stand on a regular basis which again, is not always possible because of staffing. The last time I stood was August 31 and I was able to do so for an hour and 22 minutes. After all that time I finally got a day where my aide was able to be with me (check my blood pressure, among other things) so I figured I would try it out. I probably went up too fast because I was only able to stand for 38 minutes before my blood pressure plummeted to 75/47. Kind of dangerously low. I did not want to pass out so I lowered myself. I was only able to make it 38 minutes. Just means I have to try more often!

Hope you all are well. Thank you for following! 🙂