The Pay-off

Hello All,

One of Aaron’s nurses was with him all day today. When I returned home from work  around 3 p.m. she reported that  Aaron was capped (his trach completely sealed off) all day again; he has been doing this for almost a week now. He’s breathing normally all day through his nose and mouth with no extra oxygen.  The new pulmonologist that we saw last week directed Aaron to use his spirometer at least 10 times every hour while he’s awake; this is how Aaron can strengthen his lungs and the muscles around them in order to eventually wean from the vent and get rid of his trach. We’re really seeing the results of that! The even bigger step that was made today was that as of this writing, Aaron has not had to use the coughalator, a machine that helps him to cough up secretions, nor did he need to be suctioned. Suctioning consists of putting a thin tube down his throat via his trach to suck out excess secretions that he can’t cough up. It also creates some additional secretions because it is invasive… a real catch 22. This is huge as it’s the first time since his accident that he has not had to coughalate or suction almost first thing in the morning. It  wasn’t that long ago that he could spend quite a bit of time especially in the morning trying to get his lungs cleared using these aids. He was also able to move all 3 balls upward on his spirometer today. Awesome! We’re all soooo proud of your determination Aaron. Keep it up!

18 thoughts on “The Pay-off

  • Lisa Arnold

    Wow! Aaron, you have made so much progress since I last visited this site. Keep up the hard work and next time i check in i will probably be amazed again!
    Lisa(one of Gina’s cousins)

  • Chuck

    Holy Cow! So much improvement and growth on so many levels, that I find myself somewhat speechless. Aaron, you have accomplished the impossible(making Chuck speechless) , if you can do that, you can do ANYTHING!!! Rock on Dude, and if I can help with something, Both Your’ Mom and Gina should be able to contact me.
    Montana/Alaska Chuck
    Ps.–The weeds where that vent belongs are nearly within tossing distance…

  • Stacey Shay

    Hi Aaron, I have be following your webaite since your accident. I am so proud of you for all of your hard work and determination, which is really paying off! You have an amazing support group around you full of friends and family, you are very lucky to have them! You are in my thoughts and prayers! Keep up the great work!

    Your old co-worker,

  • Sandy Marts

    Aaron, reading your mom’s entry just bolsters my faith that our prayers are answered. Keep your eyes and mind focused on Gods promises of healing, be patient – its one of Gods power tools. Hope, Faith, Patience – hold on and you can’t go wrong. As your dad so wonderfully said on a previous blog P.U.S.H. (LOVE IT)
    Sandy from Boston

  • Erica Aikens

    Aaron –

    When I get on your site it always brings tears to my eyes because you amaze me every time. I know you are going to have great visit tomorrow and remember you have so many people that love you and are praying for you.

    love ya,

  • karen hicks

    Diane, Thanks for sharing your good news also!! I can only imagine the joy and hope you have when things like that happen. Stay positive and strong and always remember you all have a lot of love and support behind you. If you ever need anything, please let me know!

  • Charlotte Fleisher (Greg R's Mom)

    Hey Aaron hope you had a good Christmas and New Year’s. Sounds like you are doing great. You keep making those little steps to recovery and one day you will wake up and it will be all over. You’ll be up walking around and driving everyone crazy. I think about you everyday and I also check this website to see how your progressing. Keep up the faith and keep pushing yourself as hard as you can.

    Love you

  • Mom

    I was Aaron’s “nurse” today and I cannot believe what progress he’s made in just the past two weeks alone. I did range of motion exercises on his arms today and that’s the first I had done that in a while and I was SOOOO surprised when I could really feel his muscles trying to assist me. And I was also surprised earlier this week when I was his night “nurse” when he asked me to adjust his pillow and with no assistance from me, pulled himself up for me to get his pillow, stayed there until I fluffed it, flipped it over, and replaced it, then he laid himself back down. He is REALLY making some progress. Of course, Aaron, it’s never enough for you, but honey, you are ON YOUR WAY!!!!!!!!! Keep working hard, keep the faith, you can do this!!!!!!!

    Your Mom

  • Karen Hicks

    Step by Step Buddy!!! I know we want giant steps, but with hard work, determination, consistency, prayers, support and love, every little step that happens and sometimes goes unnoticed will add up to these wonderful accomplishments. I know this isn’t easy, but Buddy keep hanging in there and fighting hard. Again, you are so loved and you are in my thoughts throughout the whole day. Love you!!!

  • Gil Hartley

    Aaron, WOW! You are doing GREAT, Keep up the good work. It seems hard now but will continue to get easy. Look forward to your great progress reports. And we continue to pray for you and your family, Love Ya The Hartleys

  • Brian

    That’s excellent news. Good job buddy! Keep up the hard work…your potential has no limits! I miss you A LOT bro….I’ll see you Saturday, I love you guy!!

  • Danielle

    Way to go Aaron! I’m so happy to hear about this new progress that you’ve made….you are truely amazing!

    Love ya,

  • Adam Shaffer

    A Wood, I’ve been checking up on you man! This webpage/Blog is a great way to hear how your progress is coming! Keep up the GREAT work!

  • Alissa Santanna-Kern

    Happy New Year Aaron –

    I check in often to see how you’re doing and pray for you daily. You are a strong, amazing person and have an amazing family/fiance/friends etc to support you. Keep working hard and you’ll be rewarded!

    All the best,

  • Mammaw and Pappaw Wood

    Hi Aaron, WE are surely hearing good news from your efforts to keep on keeping on. Wonderful!! It made my day. Love you and we keep you in our prayers daily.

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