Monthly Archives: January 2020


I get an e-mail every Monday letting me know my stats from the previous week regarding my bike riding. For those that don’t know, I pull up to a machine, get pads connected to my legs, feet put into place and go. Most of it is the machine but I can help a little. Again, 99.99% is a machine but still. It helps. I usually do 2 hours a day during the week when I don’t have appointments. 8.3 miles per session, over 16 miles a day. Anyway, I got an e-mail this morning telling me my overall numbers. I’ve done over 2000 sessions which would be 2000 hours and 16,000 miles. Pretty cool and I’m fairly proud so I wanted to share. Thanks to everyone who donates to my fund. These things are expensive but I get a lot of use out of them and it is definitely beneficial. This thing will not run forever and I will have to do another fundraiser to replace it. Just letting those who gave know where your money goes. One of the many things anyway. Thanks again!