Fantasy Draft

Hello All!

We’re here in Aaron’s room at Magee getting multiple laptops setup for the Fantasy Football Draft tonight at 6:00. Aaron & Woody are coaching a team; Jaime & Marie (Jaime’s roommate) are coaching a team, and Brian Sullivan is here and will be drafting his team tonight with us. Aaron has a loose schedule today as far as “Magee stuff”. Yesterday, he had physical therapy in the gym. They completely re-evaluated him since he was away for a week. His therapist said he had really good flexibility and she was able to feel muscle activity in his right leg and deep muscle activity in his right arm. She was touching his left side fingers too and he could feel that as well. He will be back into a routine again tomorrow. Bret, Lexie, and Kat-lyn just arrived. It’s a full house! Aaron’s smiling and laughing. 🙂

11 thoughts on “Fantasy Draft

  • Dave & Carla Rankin

    WOOD, It was good to see you and your crew yesterday, and better to see the great news today. Keep it up and we will see ya again soon.

  • Deb Barnhart

    Hi Aaron – Gina’s right, your smile is contagious. We’re missing you and praying for you. Looks like you have tons of support from family and friends. Glad to see you’re surrounded by the best caretakers you could possibly get. Good luck with your picks! I’ll be rooting for you.

  • Lindsay Yurovich

    Aaron it’s soooo good to see you smiling!! Keep up the great work and keep your spirits high!! Everyone is thinking about and praying for you like crazy!! Loveya!

  • Paul Burrus

    Joan has kept me posted on how you’re doing and I have prayed for you everyday since I heard about your accident. I am so encouraged by what I have read and will continue to pray. Our God is an awesome God. Tell your parents and your ornery sister hi for me. You two used to play some crazy video game which you used to share with me … something about earthscum. LOL. You guys are fantastic!

    Blessings and peace,
    Pastor Paul Burrus

  • Dale Phillips

    keep up the good work spoony. You’ll be back on the golf course with Rud and I before you know it.

  • Mom

    I am SOOOO sorry I had to leave before the football festivities began today, Aaron. You know how much I LOVE
    football. Have fun, see you tomorrow! Have another great night!

    Yo Ma

  • Kendra

    That’s great news! Aaron we’re all praying for you and keeping you in our thoughts. Sounds like things are on the up so keep it up…you got complete control!

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