7 thoughts on “April 28, 2010

  • Chuck

    Ok, You’re freakin’ me out now. In a really good way!! I wonder what Kreiger is gonna think with yet more movement and what they will try to do with it. Aaron, this was a really cool surprise, and your’ WORK and innovation is gonna be inspiring to folks in ways that you probably don’t even know. You represent hope. Not only to those that care for you with their’ own LITTLE hurdles, but to the folks that may find this and future videos on youtube. Imagine some poor fella (or gal) that is still trying to breath on their’ own for example, and there you are talking,etc. Don’t even get me started on the other advancements however small they may seem NOW.
    You Rock Man,
    Alaska/Montana Charles III
    Ps.–That sign off via voice command was really cool(sorta Dick Tracy-like) and I liked the devilish little grin when it gave you some brief grief.

  • Meam's 8th Graders

    Congratulations, Aaron, for all you are doing. We just finsihed watching your video on the whiteboard. We are all rooting for you. Meam’s 8th Graders

    Austin, Jimmie, John, Edgar, Alex, Ethan, Karreara, Rudy, Damaris, Maria, and Yessenia

  • Erica Flaig

    Hey Aaron it is so good to be able to see you finally I ask JP how you are doing everytime I talk to him but now I can see for myself. I dig that…anyway, we spent Saturday night with Bill at my mom’s birthday party and had an awesome time going over the old days which you were a huge part of. After seeing him and watching your video I realized how much you two look alike…its crazy we have been friends for years and I never noticed it till now…. good luck at Kennedy and keep posting the videos!

  • Meam

    Aaron, what a surprise to log onto your website and discover that we can now see you chatting away! It’s wonderful and you look great. Take care and we will be thinking of you while you are at Krieger. Love, Meam and Kids

  • Greg Rittenberry

    Dude im loving the web cam, I like getting to see and hear you since i can’t get up to see you. Dude seriously and this is no joke not trying to be funny. You are My hero. Your strength and courage and reslove in the face of adversity is astonishing to me. I don’t know that would be able to do what your doing if the tables would be turned. Im very proud to have you as my friend. But to be honest your more like a brother to me than a friend. I love you buddy.

    ( Im sure my spelling will be made fun of but thats fine. Im already expecting it from Wood 🙂 )

  • Lindsay Yurovich

    i love you video posts Aaron!! i am pretty sure i saw a semi smile/smirk while you were signing off at the end and am going to suggest you smile more during your posts, it was nice to see it even if it was just a little one 🙂 good luck at kennedy, i’ll be thinking about you!

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