4 thoughts on “May 3, 2010 – Kennedy Krieger Day #1

  • Jackie L

    Way to go Aaron! The movements look really good. I am seeing steady progress and am encouraged by all you do.

  • Chuck

    OK, You officially Rock. Bet you were one tired puppy after yesterday! These are really cool updates and really bring things into perspective for all of us, especially for folks like me and many others that are separated so far geographically.
    I’ll be headed to the intersection of 206 and 35(out here in N.W.Montana) about 10 miles southwest of me in a bit. There will be a package headed your’ way if anything comes of it… As I have already pulled my snow tires, I’m hoping to keep things between ditches. May 4th, and 2 inches of the white stuff has already accumulated on car and it is still falling.
    Keep up the good work Aaron and we ALL have your’ back,
    Montana/Alaska Chuck III
    Ps.–Kay (my better half whom I will actually wed 5/22 in Fairbanks) got a giggle from the last video–thanx for that.. CKIII

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